26,654 Newsletter Subscribers for Politically Conservative Newsletter


Total Leads


Avg Open Rate


Total Clicks (so far)


Active Clicker %


This company wanted help growing their newsletter subscriber list. They operates multiple newsletters in the political space for Conservative subscribers. They sell sponsorships to advertisers on a CPC basis, so like most newsletter publishers, the most important thing for them is to get active subscribers who will click on and engage with their content. This company mails approximately 300 million emails per month and has high deliverability on all ESPs.


To get the most active and relevant leads for their publications we built a client profile based on their target audience’s online behavior and traffic patterns. We filtered that down to the most recently active leads with the highest intent signals to find people who were already actively subscribed to related publications.

All of these subscribers are US based, have opted into partner marketing, and have been active in their inbox within the last 30 days.

We sent these leads to the client via API. For Political Newsletter #1, this client used a tool called Inbox Mailers to time the initial welcome email when the subscriber was actively in their inbox. 

Process Cont..

This skyrocketed the initial open rate for them (76%) and let them engage a lot more subscribers from the onset. The second set of stats for their other newsletter used a simple API and they sent a welcome email out when it entered their ESP.

In both cases the client emailed the subscribers for 14 days with varying frequency based on their engagement to try and get an open or click. The leads that engaged with an open/click were placed in their regular mailing list for daily newsletters.


We helped grow their newsletter subscribers by over 32,000 and they got open rates in the 70%+ range. Over 12% of their new subscribers turned into clickers in just 30 days. 

The stats below are from our initial onboarding period where we work especially close to verify the targeting is on track and we are able to get traction, about 3 weeks. 

A few of the campaigns where the Sends per Contact are very high are from initial campaigns we ran that started earlier. These numbers should continue to go up as they continue to get emailed. Each line item is a different segment of website and keyword activity.

Political Newsletter #1 – Highest Open Rates (Used Inbox Mailers tool)

IDContactsTotal SendsSends Per ContactOpensOpen RateClicksOpen to Click %Active Clickers %